[Draft dated as of Aug 13th ’09]


 We are happy to inform that the 2009 Project was a success. We travelled over 3.000 miles in between South Africa and Mozambique. We have travelled all directions in Mozambique, starting off in the south at Maputo (capital city) going northeast by the coastline, we had a few stops to sleep and eat, and after 3 days we hit Nampula where served as a “base” for the three of us (Filipe Fukumoto, Marcelo and Adriana Marins) from there we went to “Ilha de Moçambique” (Island of Mozambique), we travelled to the extreme east to Beira where we met the Iris Ministry base in Pemba Beach. After a week and so in Nampula we hit the road once again and went west heading to Zimbabwe where the Mt Binga is located (the highest peak in Mozambique/Zimbabwe) from there we went back to Maputo by the country side. Many things were said, seen, preached, happened. Miracles were testified and will be published in our website.

 There were around 12,000 pictures taken, and several hours of video recording were taken, it will take a while to deal with all this amount of data, however we count on you and ask for your patience we lack “hands” to deal with everything. If you want to help just get in contact with us and we will be very happy to accept any kind of aid or help you may share.

  In Christ,
Filipe Fukumoto

+UMAfrica Global Coordinator – filipe@umafrica.org