Andre and Dulciene are married for at least 12 years, they are parents of Stefano (2007) born in Mozambique. They are pastors for at least 9 years and are living in Africa since 2004. They are both Brazilian from “Mato Grosso” state. They were sent by their local church and associate ministries and are developing their ministries in the Northern Mozambique.
Their main project is “FOL” (“Formação de Obreiros Locais” / Development of Local Laborers), it’s a mobile formation reaching for the farther churches where the the harsh conditions limit proper training and development.
A number of local leaders (preachers, pastors, ministers, …) from many churches and denominations are gathered on a base site from 4 to 6 months, and on twice per month basis they meet during an entire weekend for classes, debates, meetings and lectures. The course is in modules and covers the areas of: personality/character, ministry, bible knowledge.
Motivations for this type of formation:
1. It’s a rare opportunity for a proper formation in these locations;
2. It doesn’t require from the participant to be far from home for long periods, thus his/her agriculture and other tasks won’t be impacted;
3. It’s the best way to reach for most number of participants and cover 2 classes every other weekend;
The project requires full support and sponsorship from third-parties (churches, other ministries, private donations, …) in order to cover all the expenses such as transport, material, notebooks, handouts, beverages & foods and bibles.
They’ve already formed many classes and most important the local people is more prepared to talk about our amazing Lord and Savior!
God bless this amazing ministry. We were happy to be with Andre & Dulciene in Mozambique during our “2009 Project”.
For more information about the FOL project, please visit their official website @
We are soon to add FOL to our “Missions” category, and of course they are “Safe for Partnership”
+UMAfrica Team
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