Our Purpose

 1995 I made my first journey to Uganda, Africa with 8 team members from AL. GA. & TN. Following an invitation from a young black man from Uganda, I sensed the Lord’s prompting to go Pursue the Macedonian Call; Acts 16:9-10. Then after Pastoring a local church (Brindlee Mtn. Baptist Church) for 15 years I resigned to begin this ministry of “Call to Africa”.

  Our vision is to see the continent of Africa transformed by the power of Christ, one village at a time. So everything we do is based on partnering with local African Pastors and Leaders who are trustworthy and accountable to work side by side for comminty transformation.

Perhaps you’re looking to invest a week of your life doing hands-on ministry inside village or orphanage in Africa. Or maybe you want to invest your money so others go. Either way, Call To Africa is a not-for-profit ministry organization with years of sound reputable financial accountability. And we have brought hundreds to mission fields of Africa from all areas of the U.S.

Please contact us for more information on how you can get involved.

Rev. Ken and Renate Galyean

Official Website: http://www.calltoafrica.org/
Country: Continental Africa
Rating: “Unknown for Partnership”