The Mercy House exists to provide alternative options for pregnant girls living in the streets of Kenya. The Mercy House will aid them in nutrition, housing, prenatal care, counseling, Biblical teaching and job skills for sustainable living.
The Issue:
- Annually, 26,000 women die from having an illegal, unsafe abortion in Kenya. (Center for Reproductive Rights)
- Abortion is a volatile topic in Kenya.
- 13,000 Kenyan girls are kicked out of school for being pregnant. (Center for Reproductive Rights)
- Every 30 minutes, a woman is raped in Kenya. (Nairobi Women’s Hospital)
- Mothers often force their daughters into trading sex for food in the slums (CNN)
- More than 20,000 children are sex trafficked in Kenya (Human Trafficking)
The Vision:
- Provide a safe place-a guarded home with six maternity beds
- Partner with local churches
- Prenatal Care-vitamins, checkups
- Proper Nutrition-protein and regular meals
- Counseling-post abortion/prostitution
- Ministry-prayer, Biblical teaching
- Skills-jewelry, soap, sewing (future products will be sold here)
- A nurturing environment in-which to give birth
- A safe place to stay and learn and heal until they graduate from the program
- A microloan to start small business or go to school
The Plan:
- With help, direction and training from the leadership of Living Hope Ministries, a successful pro-life organization, The Mercy House will teach the girls in all aspects of life, functioning within the culture of Africa.
- Plans are in motion to open a six-bed maternity home to house pregnant girls and staff on the outskirts of Nairobi. Our initial goal is to open the home in the late summer/early fall of 2011.
- It is the desire of The Mercy House team to fulfill Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O man, what is good: And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and love mercy, to walk humbly with your God.”
To know more about the Welch Family and to read their testimony go to:
Official Website:
Country: Kenya
Rating: “Unknown for Partnership”
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